Frequently asked questions
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We offer a wide range of Kosher Meats from Beef, lamb, veal, chicken and even duck at the best and most affordable prices online. Select a case and we will ship to you anywhere in the united states!
Yes we ship kosher meat throughout the united states. We use the best insulating materials to insure you get your meat safely and efficiently to your doorstep. Additionally, we offer the best shipping rates on all orders of meat poultry and deli thanks to Fedex.
We offer many different kinds of meat from many different origins. We sell glatt kosher meat from Argentina, uruguay, mexico as well United states and Canada. The imported meat will usually be leaner and grass fed and cheaper while the domestic meats will be fatier, have more marbling. and be more expensive. Whatever is your preference we have something for you! Each type of meat is sourced from reputable suppliers to ensure quality and freshness, giving you peace of mind when making your purchase.